
For REAL women who are ready to get off the merry-go-round of dating.

Great News

Dating and relationships do not have to be an endless cycle of swipe left, swipe right experiences.

Ready to take your love life to the next level?

Are you struggling with online dating?  Wondering where all the good men are?

Are you feeling like you need to settle and lower your expectations?

Do you find yourself in relationships that are draining and filled with frustration?   

Stop struggling and start enjoying a relationship you can feel good about.

what would it be like if...

i am totally committed to helping you find this for yourself!


”Where do I start?  Denise has helped me so much.  I am a very analytical person.  I stay in my head so much.  Denise has helped me get out of my head and see different perspectives to love and life.  She has helped me simplify my thinking when I was ready to jump off the ledge, her words have calmed me.  She understands where I’m coming from and she is able to relate.

Denise is not judgemental in my vulnerability moments.  She will not just stand by and let you fall and say “I told you so’ . She is there to help you!  She helps me understand my ‘why’.  Which helps me pivot if need be and move forward.I have definitely grown with her counsel and I continue to grow.

Shelby Marie

If You are ready to design your own love life, then working with me is exactly what you need.

There are 3 ways we can work together

The Basic Design Package

Your investment $2,300

*1 BONUS 45 MINUTE ASSESSMENT CALL: This 45 minute call is done before our first actual coaching sessions begin. I want to know you and your desires inside and out before we get started.

*4 45 MINUTE SESSIONS: After your initial assessment you will receive 4 45 minute sessions over the next 4 months. Each session is completely tailored to your goals. I also provide you with homework and direction after each session so you’re never feeling left wondering what to do next.

*ALL OF THE TRAININGS AND RESOURCES: I will provide you with the trainings, webinars, worksheets, workbooks, templates, and tutorials that I feel you need throughout the duration of the program.

*PRIVATE VOICE MESSAGE ACCESS: You will have full access to my private messaging service throughout the program. You’ll never have to worry and wait for our next session to get help! I guarantee a response within 24 hours.

*RECORDED SESSIONS VIA ZOOM: All of our sessions are recorded via Zoom so you won’t have to worry about forgetting a thing.

**Custom payment plans up to 12 months available.

The mini design package

your investment $3,800

*1 BONUS 45 MINUTE ASSESSMENT CALL: This 45 minute call is done before our first actual coaching sessions begin. I want to know you and your desires inside and out before we get started.

*6 45 MINUTE SESSIONS: After your initial assessment you will receive 6 45 minute sessions over the next 4 months. Each session is completely tailored to your goals. I also provide you with homework and direction after each session so you’re never feeling left wondering what to do next.

*ALL OF THE TRAININGS AND RESOURCES: I will provide you with the trainings, webinars, worksheets, workbooks, templates, and tutorials that I feel you need throughout the duration of the program.

*PRIVATE VOICE MESSAGE ACCESS: You will have full access to my private messaging service throughout the program. You’ll never have to worry and wait for our next session to get help! I guarantee a response within 24 hours.

*RECORDED SESSIONS VIA ZOOM: All of our sessions are recorded via Zoom so you won’t have to worry about forgetting a thing.

**Custom payment plans up to 12 months available.

The VIP Design Package

your investment $4,500

*1 BONUS 45 MINUTE ASSESSMENT CALL: This 45 minute call is done before our first actual coaching sessions begin. I want to know you and your desires inside and out before we get started.

*8 45 MINUTE SESSIONS: After your initial assessment you will receive 6 45 minute sessions over the next 4 months. Each session is completely tailored to your goals. I also provide you with homework and direction after each session so you’re never feeling left wondering what to do next.

*ALL OF THE TRAININGS AND RESOURCES: I will provide you with the trainings, webinars, worksheets, workbooks, templates, and tutorials that I feel you need throughout the duration of the program.

*PRIVATE VOICE MESSAGE ACCESS: You will have full access to my private messaging service throughout the program. You’ll never have to worry and wait for our next session to get help! I guarantee a response within 24 hours.

*RECORDED SESSIONS VIA ZOOM: All of our sessions are recorded via Zoom so you won’t have to worry about forgetting a thing.

*1 YEAR MEMBERSHIP IN LOVE BY DESIGN MEMBERSHIP: Free enrollment inside Love by Design for 1 year! This is a $348 value!

**Custom payment plans up to 12 months available.

 Here’s why I love Denise. She is like the sister that I never had! She is cultured, refined, and experienced. Her advice is packed with wisdom and compassion it’s always from a place of realness. 

Denise makes everything click!  I learn something new every time we talk.



I know exactly how you feel:

and i also know what it is like to:

Your were built to love and be loved

are you ready to enjoy your dating and relationship life?

It's your turn to find the love of your life


“Denise is compassionate and cares about the lives of others. 

She has a heart for women and our issues.  She empowers me to be the best me I can be.  She doesn’t take ‘NO’ for an answer.  She is the epitome of womanhood.



when you signup to work with me on a 1:1 basis, Im going to completely customize and design a journey for you.

The value of “you”

We will dive deep into the value of you, your wants, and desires in a relationship.  We will find out what it really takes to make a relationship fulfilling for you.

Talking Techniques

One of the main problems in relationships is lack of communication.  Men and women speak different languages at times.  Being able to understand each other can sometimes feel like learning a foreign language.  We will learn not just to hear what is being said but to listen. There is a difference.  Knowing the difference will produce deep connections in your relationship.

the social you

We will define what a social life means to you and how to put yourself in the right places to meet that person you desire. You will learn how to be red carpet ready whether it’s online or off.

Dating no longer has to be a chore

It’s time to bring sexy back into your dating life!  Let’s change your mindset and start having fun again.  Dating no longer has to be hard.


There are 3 ways we can work together

The Basic Design Package

Your investment $2,300

*1 BONUS 45 MINUTE ASSESSMENT CALL: This 45 minute call is done before our first actual coaching sessions begin. I want to know you and your desires inside and out before we get started.

*4 45 MINUTE SESSIONS: After your initial assessment you will receive 4 45 minute sessions over the next 4 months. Each session is completely tailored to your goals. I also provide you with homework and direction after each session so you’re never feeling left wondering what to do next.

*ALL OF THE TRAININGS AND RESOURCES: I will provide you with the trainings, webinars, worksheets, workbooks, templates, and tutorials that I feel you need throughout the duration of the program.

*PRIVATE VOICE MESSAGE ACCESS: You will have full access to my private messaging service throughout the program. You’ll never have to worry and wait for our next session to get help! I guarantee a response within 24 hours.

*RECORDED SESSIONS VIA ZOOM: All of our sessions are recorded via Zoom so you won’t have to worry about forgetting a thing.

**Custom payment plans up to 12 months available.

The mini design package

your investment $3,800

*1 BONUS 45 MINUTE ASSESSMENT CALL: This 45 minute call is done before our first actual coaching sessions begin. I want to know you and your desires inside and out before we get started.

*6 45 MINUTE SESSIONS: After your initial assessment you will receive 6 45 minute sessions over the next 4 months. Each session is completely tailored to your goals. I also provide you with homework and direction after each session so you’re never feeling left wondering what to do next.

*ALL OF THE TRAININGS AND RESOURCES: I will provide you with the trainings, webinars, worksheets, workbooks, templates, and tutorials that I feel you need throughout the duration of the program.

*PRIVATE VOICE MESSAGE ACCESS: You will have full access to my private messaging service throughout the program. You’ll never have to worry and wait for our next session to get help! I guarantee a response within 24 hours.

*RECORDED SESSIONS VIA ZOOM: All of our sessions are recorded via Zoom so you won’t have to worry about forgetting a thing.

**Custom payment plans up to 12 months available.

The VIP Design Package

your investment $4,500

*1 BONUS 45 MINUTE ASSESSMENT CALL: This 45 minute call is done before our first actual coaching sessions begin. I want to know you and your desires inside and out before we get started.

*8 45 MINUTE SESSIONS: After your initial assessment you will receive 6 45 minute sessions over the next 4 months. Each session is completely tailored to your goals. I also provide you with homework and direction after each session so you’re never feeling left wondering what to do next.

*ALL OF THE TRAININGS AND RESOURCES: I will provide you with the trainings, webinars, worksheets, workbooks, templates, and tutorials that I feel you need throughout the duration of the program.

*PRIVATE VOICE MESSAGE ACCESS: You will have full access to my private messaging service throughout the program. You’ll never have to worry and wait for our next session to get help! I guarantee a response within 24 hours.

*RECORDED SESSIONS VIA ZOOM: All of our sessions are recorded via Zoom so you won’t have to worry about forgetting a thing.

*1 YEAR MEMBERSHIP IN LOVE BY DESIGN MEMBERSHIP: Free enrollment inside Love by Design for 1 year! This is a $348 value!

**Custom payment plans up to 12 months available.

are you ready to truly move in the direction of your relationship desires?

I’m so honored to play a small role in your journey as the awesome female you are to help you experience your true wants and desires in your relationships.  I want to invite you personally to start designing your love life and attract and keep the love you deserve in YOUR life now.  

Imagine all the fun you could be having......

Frequently Asked Questions

On our discovery call, we will discuss a payment plan that works best for you. Typically I allow clients to stretch out their plan out for 12 months. I also do NOT charge interest.

Here is what I’ve learned, to get what you want, you have to make an investment in you.  We do what we really want to do . So you decide, are you worth it?  Are you worth finding that relationship you desire?  Aright then…. You simply can not expect anyone to invest in you if you refuse to invest in yourself. Yes, there is a chance you could make it all on your own, but it’s very small. Why? Because we never see our own blind spots and therefore we don’t get the change or growth we need to reach our wants and desires. Not to mention there is a lot of conflicting information out there that may not be in your best interest. Some of it may even be outdated and definitely not catering to you are your unique needs! That’s why private mentorship is so valuable. You’re not getting a cookie cutter program that will get you minimal results. You’re getting someone who has been there before and will show you how to get the love you deserve. If you don’t have the funds to make a payment in full, I totally understand that. That’s why I would love to offer you a payment plan. Just mention it in our discovery call and I would be more than happy to set something up for you. Payment plans are a max of 12 months.

Sorry, no. Private mentorship takes a lot of energy and commitment on both ends. If you go on this mentoring journey thinking, “Oh, if this doesn’t go as I planned then I’ll just ask for a refund.” You are setting yourself up for that situation exactly. It’s all down to mindset and attitude. If you come into this program feeling grateful for this opportunity and excited for what is going to come next for you and your life then that will happen! Once you have paid no refunds will be offered.

After payment is made, I will give you a link to my calendar where you will be able to book all of your calls. You must book them within the timeframe of the package your purchased. If for some reason you need to cancel/reschedule a session, please have the same courtesy as I would for you and do it 24 hours in advance. I understand things come up, kids get sick, etc. so we will simply reschedule after you let me know you are unable to attend. Easy peasy!


I totally get it

I have spent many years not happy in relationships that drained me.  They took instead of giving.  So after all of that drama, I decided to take a really good look at what I was doing wrong or even allowing to happen to me and I made a change. Which has led to a wonderful loving husband in my life. The things I learned the hard and heartbreak way you don’t have to my lovey because I am here to help steer you away from the pothole!

What You get

  1. 1.  You get my support in between calls – you are not alone on this journey – I’m here to help you!
  2. 2.  I’m about as real as they get when it comes to life, dating, and relationships. And as a client you can ask me anything – I want you to be truly authentic.
  3. 3.  I believe in living life to the full from the core of your being. I am here to push you to your next level of designing YOUR love life!
  5. Mentors and programs I have invested in

  6. Rachel Russo – Relationships – Intl. Assoc. of Professions Matchmaker Certification

Lindsay Maloney –  Coaching – The Confident Coach Club

Lindsay Maloney – Coaching – The Standout Coaching Academy

LWF Ordination Council – Minister – Received Licensed & Ordained to Minister the Gospel

About your Coach

I have always been the girl who loves “all things beautiful”.  And to me “love” is beautiful!  The purest expression of oneself as a human being. It all started when I entered back into the dating world after a heartbreaking breakup.  I realized I had lost the fiery, flirty, free-spirited woman I used to be.  I had locked all my feelings and emotions in a tower far away in my beautiful castle to live forever.   I wasn’t even waiting for the fairy tale prince charming.  I was just there….sitting.

It was time to live again.  By some God-inspired jolt, I took a leap of faith.  It was all new.  The world had changed since I had been in that tower and I didn’t know who I was or what I wanted.  Or for that matter what the “new” rules were and how the “game” was played.  Sound familiar?

So on my journey to love and through my experiences, I began to find myself again.  I began to see a more whole and complete me and I love Her! I want the same thing for you!  You deserve it.  That’s how Flirt Therapy was born.  I realized I wasn’t the only one climbing down from the tower in utter shock!…LOL

So I invite you to join me on this journey of Love, Hope, and Romance where we Design our Love.

  • Love for Yourself
  • Love for Others
  • Love in Relationships

Love Always,

Denise S.

Your next step is easy

start designing your love life today!

  1. 1.  Apply for your free discovery call to see if we would be a good fit.
  2. 2.  An email will be sent to you, usually within 12 hours after you apply (check your spam/promo folders) and I will let you know if your application was accepted.
  3. 3.  I give you access to my calendar and you book your call.
  4. 4.  We get on a Zoom call, chat, and decide to get your love life design started.
  5. 5.  You will make your purchase (payment plans are available) and sign the coaching agreement.
  6. 6.  Your calls, plus your bonus call, will be scheduled.
  7. 7.  The design begins!


There are 3 ways we can work together

The Basic Design Package

Your investment $2,300

*1 BONUS 45 MINUTE ASSESSMENT CALL: This 45 minute call is done before our first actual coaching sessions begin. I want to know you and your desires inside and out before we get started.

*4 45 MINUTE SESSIONS: After your initial assessment you will receive 4 45 minute sessions over the next 4 months. Each session is completely tailored to your goals. I also provide you with homework and direction after each session so you’re never feeling left wondering what to do next.

*ALL OF THE TRAININGS AND RESOURCES: I will provide you with the trainings, webinars, worksheets, workbooks, templates, and tutorials that I feel you need throughout the duration of the program.

*PRIVATE VOICE MESSAGE ACCESS: You will have full access to my private messaging service throughout the program. You’ll never have to worry and wait for our next session to get help! I guarantee a response within 24 hours.

*RECORDED SESSIONS VIA ZOOM: All of our sessions are recorded via Zoom so you won’t have to worry about forgetting a thing.

**Custom payment plans up to 12 months available.

The mini design package

your investment $3,800

*1 BONUS 45 MINUTE ASSESSMENT CALL: This 45 minute call is done before our first actual coaching sessions begin. I want to know you and your desires inside and out before we get started.

*6 45 MINUTE SESSIONS: After your initial assessment you will receive 6 45 minute sessions over the next 4 months. Each session is completely tailored to your goals. I also provide you with homework and direction after each session so you’re never feeling left wondering what to do next.

*ALL OF THE TRAININGS AND RESOURCES: I will provide you with the trainings, webinars, worksheets, workbooks, templates, and tutorials that I feel you need throughout the duration of the program.

*PRIVATE VOICE MESSAGE ACCESS: You will have full access to my private messaging service throughout the program. You’ll never have to worry and wait for our next session to get help! I guarantee a response within 24 hours.

*RECORDED SESSIONS VIA ZOOM: All of our sessions are recorded via Zoom so you won’t have to worry about forgetting a thing.

**Custom payment plans up to 12 months available.

The VIP Design Package

your investment $4,500

*1 BONUS 45 MINUTE ASSESSMENT CALL: This 45 minute call is done before our first actual coaching sessions begin. I want to know you and your desires inside and out before we get started.

*8 45 MINUTE SESSIONS: After your initial assessment you will receive 6 45 minute sessions over the next 4 months. Each session is completely tailored to your goals. I also provide you with homework and direction after each session so you’re never feeling left wondering what to do next.

*ALL OF THE TRAININGS AND RESOURCES: I will provide you with the trainings, webinars, worksheets, workbooks, templates, and tutorials that I feel you need throughout the duration of the program.

*PRIVATE VOICE MESSAGE ACCESS: You will have full access to my private messaging service throughout the program. You’ll never have to worry and wait for our next session to get help! I guarantee a response within 24 hours.

*RECORDED SESSIONS VIA ZOOM: All of our sessions are recorded via Zoom so you won’t have to worry about forgetting a thing.

*1 YEAR MEMBERSHIP IN LOVE BY DESIGN MEMBERSHIP: Free enrollment inside Love by Design for 1 year! This is a $348 value!

**Custom payment plans up to 12 months available.


If you are going back and forth on whether or not you should do this ..   listen to your heart, push out fear  … invest in yourself at a higher level. I promise you won’t be disappointed!!  And know that you are finally moving in your true path to finding love! 


Want to see if you qualify to work with me?