
Are You Ready To Get Off The Merry-Go-Round Of Bad Dates?

Conversation Moments Intensive Is for you!

Let's stop with the relationships that have more bad days than good. Let's get to the love life you deserve and desire.

Let's Have A conversation and take your love life to the next level

Relationships don’t have to be hard.

Dating and relationships don’t have to be a bunch of overthinking.

what would it be like if

stop struggling and
start enjoying a relationship you can feel good about

Get the relationship you want.

You’re here because you’re ready to get the relationship you desire. You’re tired of looking at your date from across the table or zoom call and saying “Why am I here?”. You’re tired of listening to free advice from the internet, and struggling to figure out how to apply it to your dating and relationship life.

Confusion about where to start is hindering you from starting. Not knowing what to do to get or improve your love life is hindering you from even trying. I know you’re tired of not having the relationship you desire. You feel like you’ve tried everything, but you’re still struggling to gain….



  • Realizing sex and intimacy are different
  • Someone really being into you and not just the outer you


  •  Women and men communicate differently
  • Understanding hearing & listening work together 
  • Learning that arguing is not communication


  • Commitment is not confusion. It is very clear.
  • Getting past the surface of dating

What's It Like to Work with Denise

Her advice is packed…

 Here’s why I love Denise. She is like the sister that I never had! She is cultured, refined, and experienced.

Her advice is packed with wisdom and compassion it’s always from a place of realness.

Denise makes things click! I learn something new every time we have a conversation moment!



I was ready to jump off the ledge….

Where do I start?  Denise has helped me so much.  I am a very analytical person.  I stay in my head so much.  She has helped me get out of my head and see different perspectives to love and life. 

She has helped me simplify my thinking when I was ready to jump off the ledge, her words have calmed me.  She understands where I’m coming from and she is able to relate.

Denise is not judgemental in my vulnerable moments.  She will not just stand by and let you fall and say “I told you so’. She is there to help you!  She helps me understand my ‘why’.  Which helps me pivot if need be and move forward. I have definitely grown with her counsel and I continue to grow.

Shelby Marie

Down to earth support…

Denise has helped me with significant mindset shifts. I view mindset work as the foundation of whatever you have set out to achieve.

During our work together, Denise posed a series of questions that prompted me to realize that I need to move from a mindset of independence into a mentality of interdependence.

I came to Denise with questions related to finance and struggles with trusting my partner’s decisions. Denise immediately warmed me with her patience, ability to listen deeply and provide unbiased feedback. If you are looking for someone down to earth and can support you through this journey, I recommend connecting.

Shira A.

Book your call Today to Get Access to:

I’m ready to take my love life to the next level!

the investment

Conversation Moment




Before our Zoom call, you will fill out a questionnaire
that will help me gather some insight into you, 
your personality, and your relationship needs
and or style.
I will use this information to prepare notes for our 
conversation prior to the call.
If I gather any suggestions or recommendations,
I will share them when we have the call.

* Calls take place via Zoom video conferencing

*Calls are recorded and a file is sent to you 

*1 hour calls will be 1 consistent hour and CANNOT 

   be broken up 

*You will receive detailed notes from the call 

More Testimonials

Her advice is packed…

 Here’s why I love Denise. She is like the sister that I never had! She is cultured, refined, and experienced.

Her advice is packed with wisdom and compassion it’s always from a place of realness.

Denise makes things click! I learn something new every time we have a conversation moment!



I was ready to jump off the ledge….

Where do I start?  Denise has helped me so much.  I am a very analytical person.  I stay in my head so much.  She has helped me get out of my head and see different perspectives to love and life. 

She has helped me simplify my thinking when I was ready to jump off the ledge, her words have calmed me.  She understands where I’m coming from and she is able to relate.

Denise is not judgemental in my vulnerable moments.  She will not just stand by and let you fall and say “I told you so’. She is there to help you!  She helps me understand my ‘why’.  Which helps me pivot if need be and move forward. I have definitely grown with her counsel and I continue to grow.

Shelby Marie

Denise Spearman, CEO Flirt Therapy

About Your Coach

I have always been the girl who loves “all things beautiful”.  And to me “love” is beautiful!  The purest expression of oneself as a human being. It all started when I entered back into the dating world after a heartbreaking breakup.  I realized I had lost the fiery, flirty, free-spirited woman I used to be.  I had locked all my feelings and emotions in a tower far away in my beautiful castle to live forever.   I wasn’t even waiting for the fairy tale prince charming.  I was just there….sitting.

It was time to live again.  By some God-inspired jolt, I took a leap of faith.  It was all new.  The world had changed since I had been in that tower and I didn’t know who I was or what I wanted.  Or for that matter what the “new” rules were and how the “game” was played.  Sound familiar?

So on my journey to love and through my experiences, I began to find myself again.  I began to see a more whole and complete me and I love Her! I want the same thing for you!  You deserve it.  That’s how Flirt Therapy was born.  I realized I wasn’t the only one climbing down from the tower in utter shock!…LOL

So I invite you to join me on this journey of Love, Hope, and Romance where we Design our Love.

Love for Yourself

Love for Others

Love in Relationships

Love Always,

Denise S.

Imagine all the fun you could be having...

Frequently Asked Questions

At this time , there is no payment plan for Conversation Moment Intensives

You are ready to take a deep look into yourself and your life and bring out the best life has for you.  You are ready to listen and take solid mentorship and do the work.

You click the link to purchase your CM Intensive , you will schedule the call and then make payment.  Easy Peasy.

Sorry, no. Private mentorship takes a lot of energy and commitment on both ends. If you go on this mentoring journey thinking, “Oh, if this doesn’t go as I planned then I’ll just ask for a refund.” You are setting yourself up for that situation exactly. It’s all down to mindset and attitude. If you come into this feeling grateful for this opportunity and excited for what is going to come next for you and your life then that will happen! Once you have paid no refunds will be offered.

Your next step is easy

Book your conversation moment today!


If you are going back and forth on whether or not you should do this ..   listen to your heart, push out fear  … invest in yourself at a higher level. I promise you won’t be disappointed!!  And know that you are finally moving in your true path to finding love!